About.The school’s professional counsellor is responsible for all matters related to academic and career planning. The counsellor is available to meet with students and also with parents who want to discuss their child’s educational choices both during and after high school. Details concerning course options, vocational programs, CEGEP, and other education and training opportunities are available from the counsellor throughout the year.
High school guidance professionals help high school students solve “problems” as they work towards achieving their high school goals and pave the way for the fulfillment of their dreams. These “problems” can take many forms like picking the right option courses, getting along with friends, issues with parents, managing school and life stress, applying to CEGEP, identifying options for life after high school, weeding through career choice information, making decisions, dealing with relationships, becoming well-informed about drugs or sex, and the list goes on.
At Westwood we also have a Psychologist, Behavioral Technician, Social Worker, Nurse, Spiritual Animation, and a Drug and Addictions Counselor. So no matter what you are struggling with there is someone at the school to help. If you would like to access any of these services you can speak to the main office or write a note on the guidance door.
At Westwood we also have a Psychologist, Behavioral Technician, Social Worker, Nurse, Spiritual Animation, and a Drug and Addictions Counselor. So no matter what you are struggling with there is someone at the school to help. If you would like to access any of these services you can speak to the main office or write a note on the guidance door.
We're Here for You
Of course the above are not “problems” for all students, but they can be. And when problems threaten to take your focus off of school and staying on track, that’s a good time to come to Guidance. Sometimes 15 minutes untangling things with the counsellor can save you months of wondering and feeling unsure. Regular appointments can help you learn strategies to take initiative and solve your problems, and have the kind of satisfying life you deserve. School counsellors are great at listening, and supporting students and parents facing all kinds of challenges.
Guidance works as part of a team with the other student services offered at Westwood. These include a psychologist, school nurse, social worker, and spiritual animator.
You can make an appointment with guidance by going to the guidance office or e-mailing Mr. Verelli (gverelli@lbpsb.qc.ca).
Guidance works as part of a team with the other student services offered at Westwood. These include a psychologist, school nurse, social worker, and spiritual animator.
You can make an appointment with guidance by going to the guidance office or e-mailing Mr. Verelli (gverelli@lbpsb.qc.ca).
Here are some community resources available to Westwood Students:
LBPSB Student Services: https://sites.google.com/lbpearson.ca/ssdresources/home
L’Actuel: https://www.lactuel.org/
CISSS Monteregie Ouest : https://santemonteregie.qc.ca/en/services#service-category-26
Le Versant: https://leversant.org/
Maison de la famille : http://www.maisondelafamillevs.ca/
Hébergement La Passerelle: http://www.hlapasserelle.com/
West Island Community Resource list: https://crcinfo.ca/resources/#viewresources
Suicide Action Montreal : https://suicideactionmontreal.org/en/
Kids Help Phone: https://kidshelpphone.ca/
Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (C.A.L.A.C.S.) La Vigie- http://www.rqcalacs.qc.ca/
Anorexie et boulimie Québec (ANEB)- https://anebquebec.com/
Amcal- https://www.amcal.ca/eng
Portage- https://portage.ca/en/
AMI-Quebec- https://amiquebec.org/
Projet 10- http://p10.qc.ca/
Première Ressource Aide aux Parents- http://www.premiereressource.com/index.php
Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Vaudreuil-Soulanges- https://www.cjevs.org/en/
Department of Youth Protection (Off island)- 450-679-0831, http://www.cdpdj.qc.ca/en/droits-de-la-jeunesse/Pages/DPJ.aspx
Some websites that students and parents have found helpful:
Stress Management
Canadian Centre for Child Protection:
Career and Job Exploration quizes:
Centre for Excellence for Mental Health:
The ABC's of Mental health:
Mind Your Mind
Kids Grief
Self-Injury Outreach and Support
Addition Support
LBPSB Student Services: https://sites.google.com/lbpearson.ca/ssdresources/home
L’Actuel: https://www.lactuel.org/
CISSS Monteregie Ouest : https://santemonteregie.qc.ca/en/services#service-category-26
Le Versant: https://leversant.org/
Maison de la famille : http://www.maisondelafamillevs.ca/
Hébergement La Passerelle: http://www.hlapasserelle.com/
West Island Community Resource list: https://crcinfo.ca/resources/#viewresources
Suicide Action Montreal : https://suicideactionmontreal.org/en/
Kids Help Phone: https://kidshelpphone.ca/
Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (C.A.L.A.C.S.) La Vigie- http://www.rqcalacs.qc.ca/
Anorexie et boulimie Québec (ANEB)- https://anebquebec.com/
Amcal- https://www.amcal.ca/eng
Portage- https://portage.ca/en/
AMI-Quebec- https://amiquebec.org/
Projet 10- http://p10.qc.ca/
Première Ressource Aide aux Parents- http://www.premiereressource.com/index.php
Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Vaudreuil-Soulanges- https://www.cjevs.org/en/
Department of Youth Protection (Off island)- 450-679-0831, http://www.cdpdj.qc.ca/en/droits-de-la-jeunesse/Pages/DPJ.aspx
Some websites that students and parents have found helpful:
Stress Management
Canadian Centre for Child Protection:
Career and Job Exploration quizes:
Centre for Excellence for Mental Health:
The ABC's of Mental health:
Mind Your Mind
Kids Grief
Self-Injury Outreach and Support
Addition Support