Your life after graduation
CEGEPCEGEP is a step that Quebec students can take after graduation to either enter into University or to enter into the work force. Visit the CEGEP page for more information.
Vocational EducationVocational education is education that leads to to the work force in a specific field. There are many emerging opportunities with this type of education, please visit the Vocational Programs page for more information.
Additional OptionsThere are many other options outside of attending CEGEP or Vocational school in Quebec. To explore these options please visit the Additional Options page.
Unsure of which path is for you?If you are unsure of what you would like to do in the future you can do a career interest inventory test through the website Xello. This website has a vast amount of information concerning different careers, educational paths, and Canadian institutions and statistics. Please consult your fusion portal for access to Xello, information on filling out the parental consent form can be found here and general information can be found here. To explore Quebec labour market information please visit Emploi Quebec.
Need help working?Visit McGill's career planning website for information on how to search for jobs, create CV's, and interview. Xello has a section to help you with CV writing as well. If you need help with your French resume please visit Emploi Quebec or Live Career.
Speak to a CounsellorIf you have no idea where to start and need help to figure out where and what to do, make an appointment with the counsellor in order to help define your post-secondary path.